Monday, April 6, 2015

Best Recitations: Three-year-old cute baby recites Quran

A three-year baby girl from Azerbaijan has grabbed the attention on social media as her recitation goes viral. The girl, despite your guess that she is too little to memorize big verses, has learned lots of verses and she started learning Quran at the age of two. Amazing.

I was rummaging through Youtube vids aimlessly until this little baby grabbed my attention. Her voice is amazing and most important of all, she is eager to learn more verses, as her father tells the media. The media also reached the baby's home and recorded her reciting some verses.

آزربائیجان کی اس تین سالہ بچی کی تلاوت، اس کو کئی بڑی سورتیں یاد ہیں۔۔۔ یوٹیوب پر ریکارڈ ویوز۔۔۔۔ماشااللہ
Posted by Pak Social News on Monday, April 6, 2015

 Her videos have been shared widely on popular social media networks such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Check out the video and share your views in the comment section. 

You can find plenty of Quran recitation videos and they are all good, but I bet this one is going to grip your attention. Azerbaejan is a Muslim country where children start learning Quran at early age and there is actually appreciation and encouragement for kids wanting to learn Quran by heart (Hifz). 

Samsung Galaxy S6 Review: Design, Camera, Screen and Battery life

Here is a detailed video review of Samsung Galaxy S6 by David Gilbert. David reviews the mainstream flagship set (S6)'s design, camera, screen and battery life. Read the entire article here: Samsung Galaxy S6 Review 

Watch the video here:

Why is Samsung S5 better than Galaxy S6

One straightforward reason: Battery life of Samsung Galaxy S5 is much better than Galaxy S6. 

Here is a detailed review of both phones: Samsung Galaxy S6 and S5 review

More. Digging deeper into what led to negative consumer responses for Galaxy S6 that was initially expected to compete iPhone 6, I am sharing here a Forbes article that will shed enough light on what to buy and what to steer clear of. 

An insightful consumer report has shown some obvious reasons why Samsung Galaxy S6 is not better than its predecessor Galaxy S5. 

Read here: Consumer Report Samsung Galaxy S6

How To Appreciate Music Composition

Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 by Edward Elgar is regarded as one of the most classic pieces written and prepared in the history of classical American music. Also known as graduation march the creation, on an apparent level, can be considered to be flat, ceremonial, unintrusive and just a normal background music. However, in its original form, the music of the composition is dynamic, joyous, extroverted and even flamboyant in some places.
During the course of this discussion we will be having a proper musical analysis of this particular composition and by taking this particular work in music as reference will try to develop a comprehensive approach towards the multiple dimensions of music and the ways in which it has been applied in this particular composition. The first section of the composition is around one minute and thirty eight seconds.
The opening of the composition can have a rather unstable feeling on the listener which sets a tone of high energy. By the eight second the harmonies settle down which is then followed by primary theme. This is once again repeated in the 47th second. It gets repeated one more time at 1:23 leading to something new. The final few seconds experience the listening of the primary theme again, but it concludes rather quickly. The B section of the composition begins at 1:53 which is quite solemn and develops a calm feeling on the listener.
At 3:11 a stretch in the tempo is experienced using instruments such as snare drum and timpani for creating it which is then converted in a tidal wave by 3:30. At 3:48 the same, but a rather abbreviated version of the composition as done in A is repeated. Repetition of B section is once again repeated by 4:47 where chromatic scales are on high nodes and scales to build up the tension (Kennedy, 1987). The use of pipe organ is pure patriotic era and patriotic excess. This is then followed by excess use of drum roll at high nodes. By 5:56 the composition enters its conclusive phase where the primary theme A is repeated.
By looking at the key of the entire composition it can be said that the composition is pre-dominantly set in minor version with presence of modulation in it since it goes on high as well as low levels when using instruments at different phases of the composition. Pomp and Circumstance is composed in polyphonic mode since there are many simultaneous compositions operating at the same time to impose a collective effect and mood of the composition.
The composition can be termed as dynamic only with slight variations that have taken place in each section. For instance in section A there have been slight variations and dynamic display of instruments used and likewise in section B as well (Diana, 2007). Use of dynamic instruments on a massive level has not been experienced in the entire composition. There are many instruments that have been used in the composition and each of it has been used in a distinguished manner which has made it prominent enough in the whole composition.
In section A major instruments that have been used include brass and percussion, whereas, in section B the instruments used include pipe organ and bass drum roll which are then repeated in each pattern. The melody set by the composition is pre-dominantly chromatic making use of all the possible twelve nodes to bring the composition. Similar has been the case with harmony which has been developed on a chromatic scale especially in section B of the composition.
Also, the rhythmic pace of the composition is quite uniform since the nodes and scales at which it is played are quite limited and hence the potential for any massive scale rhythmic changes is not possible. The composition has been set in duple meter setting since each measure can easily be divided into two components and each measure contains two quarter note and four beats. Last but not the least, it is also important to understand the feeling that the composition develops on the listener.
The composition which has mainly been set in the backdrop of war helps us understand the devastation and the destruction that war brings along with itself. Hence, for all the people who may have lost their relatives or loved ones in a war or whose lives may have been affected by it in some way or the other may feel the actual pain and brutality that the composition and its music carries with itself.

Big Data And Business

In recent times with the dynamics of contemporary corporate culture around the world becoming increasingly cutthroat, it is important or small as well as large businesses to keep innovating their model of business operations. Constant updating of their working methods and models is something that keeps within the competitive context and at the same time, it also helps them boost their scale of profitability. Many companies in order to cope up with the advancement that they need to make in their working methods have explored avenues and frontiers of social media platforms through the help of which they can easily expand their market outreach and can cater to the needs and requirements of a wide customer base.
However, in addition to this, there are more such techniques and methods that can be employed to achieve far more effective results on a sustainable scale. This can be done in the form of big data or advanced analytics as it is also known as. During the course of this discussion we will look at ways through which Mojo Coffee retail store can make use of big data and advanced analytics in order to enhance their performance, revenues, sales volume as well as enhance their existing processes.
 However, in order to develop a comprehensive approach on this it is first important to have a look at some of the key global competitors of Mojo Coffee who have adopted a similar strategy of using advanced analytics or big data for modifying their work practices. One of such examples that we have here is of Philz Coffee Inc. which has made use of big data dynamics to deploy Euclid analytics in its stores with the help of Wi-Fi sensors to track customers location within the store and his dwell time in the outlet.
One of the key takeaways for Phillz Coffee after the deployment of big data has been in the form of taking some serious steps and formulating policies through which they can best design the setting and layout of the furniture in their outlet. At the same time, data that can be obtained through social media integration tools can also come in handy to track customer interests, their feedback and can also provide the brand with a constant place of presence through which any of their negative feedback and other queries can be addressed without any delay (Preeti, 2013).
Moving on to the next phase of our discussion, we need to enlighten some of the key aspects through which Mojo Coffee can acquire greater competitive advantage. First and foremost, through the deployment of big data techniques and tools Mojo Coffee can easily unlock any areas or loopholes that may be present within their financial or technical mechanism or infrastructure (Spakes, 2013). By switching operations from manual to automated forms greater transparency can be assured in all different type of operations that are required for running an organization effectively.
Secondly, Mojo Coffee through the integration of social media plugins and tools can also keep a track on the changes in trends that take place within customer likes and dislikes. This can help Mojo Coffee to segment its range of tastes and services by creating market segments which can provide it with greater focus and attention towards improving its service.
 Most importantly, it will also provide Mojo Coffee management with a greater vision and avenues to explore that can help them in increasing their focus towards diversification, expansion and innovation for competitive advantage.

Statistical Implications Of A Report

Statistical implication makes a report about the possibility of conclusions reached by chance.  Orthodox or Conventional significance testing depends upon ‘p’ values and will only provide a result that is divided into two sharply distinguished and opposing parts. Restricted understanding or research results for P   means that researchers could either overvalue or undervalue the meaning of their results.  The purpose of clinical research for the trial of an intervention would make the results applicable to the general population. The ‘P’ value does not provide any information about the general importance or meaning of the results to clinical practice, and they also do not provide importance or meaning of the results to clinical practice, nor do they provide information of what might happen in the future or in general practice. Decisions regarding Clinical significance are based on the realistic worth or application of a specific medical procedure and this may or not absorb statistical significance as the preliminary standard for decisions. Confidence Intervals are just one manner for researchers to help decide if a specific arithmetical result is significant or not could be of importance when put into practice. 

Different Languages: Understandings and Misunderstandings

Nearly all languages have different varieties and dialects. The standard variety of a language is that it is supported and encouraged by the local authorities or social institutions such as schools and the media. The usual or typical forms of the language are more impressive than the non-standard types and are perceived as the correct form by the speakers of that language. Because this particular variety of any language is presumed to be correct because they are more valued and used within the society and speakers of the language. According to linguist Harold Fasold “The standard used language may not be the best collection of features available, but it is accepted because of the social overall use of the language and not because it is superior in any sense to the other varieties and dialects. In some cases, an official body describes the grammar and usage of a standard variety.

Which of the language communities you belong to do you think is most misunderstood?
            The Creole community is usually misunderstood because they don’t speak a real language they just speak broken French. The Creole is usually misunderstood because they have no standard language like English or French and what they speak is a corrupt and inferior form of the French Language. Creole has been called “broken rench” because those responsible for such assessment are speakers of standard languages. Creoles are people of European descent who were born in Spanish colonies.
            The entire Creole community number around 1511695 living in different parts of the world. The dialect of the Creole is a cross between French and English but they do have clear phonetic and semantic shifts. However, the grammar can be different from the parent language. Because the Creoles speak broken French they pronounce several words in a way that people generally do not either understand them or think that they mean something else. A significant misstep occurred when a Creole woman asking for directions to a restaurant was directed instead to a hospital. The values that clashed were that Creole is not an official education language, and there is difference between French and the Creole Language. Creole is basically all colloquial while French is a literary. There are several different meanings for words. For instance there are several words to describe snow in Creole and unless is familiar with the language will take an entirely different meaning (Frank)
            There are several languages spoken in any college. Although the medium of education is usually English, students from different communities and countries come to study in colleges. Each community brings with them their own version of English, their own pronunciations and their own different use of words. One example would be the combination of Hindi in English which has formed a new language “Hinglish”. The pronunciation, spelling and meaning of the same word is different in some language communities.
            The difference between two subjects such as History and Biology is the different terminology and the different meaning of some words; however, these disciplines are somewhat similar for writers are the structural order of both disciplines in their academic forms. I learnt about a new language community which comprised of Bhutanese Americans. Their parents had migrated to the United States two generations back, but even this generation were well aware of the language and heritage and still speak the language at home and among students with a similar background history. The difference in their culture and values are quite different from those who are of European ancestry. Like all people with Asian ancestry, they have a different way of family life. One specific aspect of this is that they respect their elderly and keep them with them until the elders die. For them it is unthinkable to send any of their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to old home just because they are too old to work. Besides this, these students have different values about relationships even with women. They have and implement their own set of values that has been handed down to them for several generations. The lesson learnt here are that despite being American citizens for the second or even third generation they still adhere to the values and culture of their country (Hsiaa)
            Because these students speak their own language at home where they are for most of the time, their pronunciation of the English language is heavily accented and mixed with words and idioms from their original language. Sometimes they are misunderstood because they have a different way of speaking. Even in college, their traditions and culture is reflected in their behavior towards their teachers and fellow students.
            Because of their cultural upbringing, most Bhutanese Americans are soft spoken and polite. They are also studious and hard working because their parents instill into them the merits and benefits of hard work. Life was never easy for these people before they came to America, and they have kept their values of hard work and frugality. These students are brought up to treat their community as family and try their best to be helpful in any way that they can. Because of their mild temperament and their extremely nature, people generally like them. Most Bhutanese students are Buddhists and strictly vegetarian. They always try to be compatible with other students and cultures without compromising their own cultural and religious beliefs. (-Chu)
            The Bhutanese American students are strictly law abiding citizens who appreciate the life that America has given them. Their way of life and harmony with nature and their surroundings has made them ideal and law abiding citizens. It is strongly suggested that more students in colleges follow the examples of these Bhutanese Americans they will become better students and better law abiding citizens.  Students and other people alike can learn meditations and the way to mental tranquility and peace of mind. Although these Bhutanese Americans are different, they are similar to American values of life, liberty and happiness

Organizational And Development Program For King's County

The Purpose of conducting a community health assessment and health improvement planning process on Kings County in New York State at this time for the following reasons: first, it is a mandatory requirement for students in Master of Public Health Program at Benedictine University to be eligible to graduate. Second, it is a requirement to any local public health department to conduct an assessment of community needs and develop a plan to deal with these needs every three years to fulfill New York State certification requirements.
            The benefits and the expected results from this need assessment plan are the following: identifying  and prioritizing health problems, strengthening community involvement, maximizing the use of limited community resources, improving the access to health care, improve the quality of life of Kings County's residents and finally, remaining current regarding the Kings County community needs, concerns and health problems.
Kings County Community Participation in the MAPP Process
            Organizing the planning process and forming the planning partnership is the first step in MAPP to make the community participants and the key people are involved. In order to form a community health committee, invitations were sent to the organizations that serving Kings County. The community health committee is composed of  board members who are representatives of numerous organizations throughout Kings County. The purpose of the committee is to steer the process, provide resources, and give recommendations. There are five steering committee members and twenty stakeholders representatives. The members of the committee include representatives of the following: hospitals, medical centers, police department, fire department, education department, community centers, public health department, and others.
The planning process description
            Regarding the planning process, it is a process that will take eighteen months to complete beginning with July 01, 2013. It will detail the six MAPP steps that start with organizing step and end with the action cycle. During the first four months, the organize for success and partnership development step will be completed by defining the purpose of the plan, identifying the key participants, forming the steering committee, designing the planning process and developing a timeline framework. In the next two months, the visioning step will be established by forming vision and value statements after steering committee meetings. By the beginning of year 2014, the four MAPP assessments will begin and will last for approximately six months. It will include: the Community Themes  and Strengths assessment, the Local Public Health System assessment, the Community Health assessment and the Forces of Change assessment. In the last six months, the last three steps will be done which include: identify strategic issues, formulate goals and strategies, and the action cycle. Each of the last three steps will take approximately two months to complete.

Community Health Analysis Of King's County

Kings County is one of sixty-one counties in New York State. It has the same boundaries of  Brooklyn, which is one of the five boroughs that form New York City.
There are three major airports around King County which include: John F. Kennedy (JFK) airport that is closer to the east part of the county, LaGuardia (LGA) airport which is closer to the north west area of the county and Newark (EWR) airport that is closer to the south. It is the most populous county in New York State according to United States Census Bureau 2010 with a population of  2,504,700. There are many attractive places to visit such as Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, The New York Transit Museum, Brooklyn Bridge and Fort Greene Park. The Brooklyn Bridge opened in 1883 and it connects Brooklyn and Manhattan. Also, there is a good public transportation system that includes subways and public buses which provide the service for the entire county. Kings Counties' public schools are managed by the Department of Education of New York City. Included in the public schools are many famous schools as Brooklyn Technical High School, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn School of Law, and SUNY Downstate Medical Center, which considered one of the oldest medical schools in U.S.A.
In 2010, the total population was about 2,504,700 with an increase of 1.6% in compare to the total population in 2000 which was 2,465,326. Furthermore, in 2010, 65% of the population were aged 25 years old or older and 53% of the population were females. Females between the ages of 15 and 45 comprise almost one fourth of the total population, include the actual number here. Half of the population is aged 34 years old or younger and about 8% of the population are 65 years or older in compare to 11.8% in 2000. The largest age group is between 25 and 29 years old with a percentage of 9% compared to the 2000 Census of 15% (Fact Finder U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).
            According to United States Census, 45% of the population in 2010 and 41% in 2000 are White and the second most populous race is Black with 36% in both years. The Hispanic or Latino of any race composed of about 20% of the total population in both years(Fact Finder U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). The Asians comprised about 11% of the population in 2010  with an increase of 3% in compare to 2000, while American Indians made up 1% of the population in both years. The rest of the population are categorized as Other Races and make up 10% in 2010 with a decrease of 3% in comparison to the 2000 Census 

The Opposition On Minimum Wage Policy

Some people in the media are of the opinion that increase in the minimum wage will produce better value for the federal government. Higher wages will attract more qualified professionals which will in essence the quality of work and reduce turnover which will offset the cost of providing higher wages. However, the new wage increase will affect very few workers immediately, because but it will be applicable when new contracts are signed, The increase in the minimum will also help small businesses because contractors now will not help competitors who undercut others by quoting lower prices. The order could exert pressure on small companies which will give competitors in the private sector an advantage.
Why Conservatives Oppose Raising the Minimum Wage
            Minimum wage jobs are usually for people who are just beginning their careers. However in the current economy even these jobs are quite scarce. According to the Conservatives, the wage increase will create fewer jobs and employers will probably fire some employees to save expenses. Most people who are working on minimum wages are not skilled workers and the work that they do is not considered essential. This means that making them more costly will result in their becoming redundant and jobless; Employers would rather pay one excellent employee $16/hr with benefits rather than pay two inexperienced entry-level workers $9 with benefits. The net result is fewer jobs as duties are consolidated into fewer and fewer positions. So the Conservatives feel that with the increase of minimum wages, more people would become jobless.
Personal Opinion
            According to my personal opinion, the president’s policies has both negative and positive connotations which must be evenly balanced. The workers who will benefit must be weighed against those who would be rendered jobless because many companies would stop hiring and probably terminate other workers because of the increase in their operating expenses. This can be balanced with the fact that a millions of people would be getting enough money to at least meet their expenses in a more dignified manner. The fast food industry employs moiré than 2 million, and the increase in the minimum wage would have a significant economic impart. Whether the impact is negative or positive depends upon the person you are talking to. The wage increase would give parents more time with their children as then they would not have to work multiple jobs. The minimum wage also prevents the opening of new businesses due to escalated costs. The more businesses there are, the better chances of people finding employment. In essence, this policy should be balanced evenly so as to cause the minimum economic damage.


            It is obvious that any policy will not make everyone happy. There are upsides and downsides for every policy decision made. This should not be just a matter of scoring political points, but doing what is right and good for the country. If the decision has a positive impact on more people than are negatively affected, then it might make sense to implement the minimum wage policy. The president and his advisors must weigh all pros and cons and try to push through this minimum wage policy by consensus by taking the advice of all concerned. That would be much better than pushing it through under the executive powers.

Small Businesses in America And Stance on Minimum Wage Policy

Small businesses are advocates of the minimum wage increase policy because of the public anger over income inequality and workers facing greater economic challenges. Account for growing inflation a worker is worse off now than he/she was in 1968 and was being paid $1.60 per hour. . Small businesses are of the view that a people who earn more money will have more disposable income and will spend more which will in essence help the circulation of money (Klein & Leiber, 2013).
            Wal-Mart which is the largest private employer in America said that it is considering support the federal minimum in oppositions to businesses and industrial groups who are against it. Wal-Mart is considering the cost of raised wages against the possibility of workers having more money to spend on buying consumables from their organization. This would in essence mean that the 140 million who shop at Wal-Mart every week would have more money to spend. 
            Along with the NRF, the Chamber of Commerce does not support in increase in the federal minimum wage. Businesses are looking for decisions so that they can what rules are applicable to their organization so that they can manage their affairs accordingly.
Labor Unions
Labor Unions wholeheartedly support President Obama’s imitative for a wage increase because some unions and their members directly benefit from minimum wage increases—even when not a single union member actually makes the minimum wage. The Labor Department data indicates that many unions in the service industry advocate for a raise in the minimum wage. However, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union also say that it also supports an increase in the minimum wage. This would also increase the wages of union members. 

Reported positive or negative impact on jobs by specific companies

The negative or positive impact of a minimum wage increase and how it will affect jobs is one of the most widely studied and most contentious topic in labor economics. Several surveys were carried out the affect that the increase in the minimum wage would have on jobs: According to Express Employment Professional which is the country’s largest private employment firm which asked employers the impact that a minimum wage increase will have on their businesses. 
38% of employers who currently hire employees at minimum wages say that they would have to sack some employees to cover costs. In the same group, 54% stated that they would hire less employees and 65% said they would have to raise prices on for their goods and services.
 A survey of employers who at this time do not pay the minimum wages, 19% said that they would have to reduce the number of employees that they currently employ: 39 % would hire less people and 51 would have to increase their prices of their goods and services. This includes corporations like Wal-Mart, McDonald’s and KFC. The contend that costs would increase for companies who even now do not pay the minimum wage (Express Employment Professionals, 2014).

Impact of the President’s Increase in the Minimum Wage Rate

Advocates of President’s Obama’s are of the opinion that his proposal to increase the minimum wage for contract workers and other workers is because he feels that these workers are paid starvation wages according to Bernie Sanders who is an independent for Vermont. The president is seeking to restore confidence in his leadership and he said that he would use his executive power to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots which would in effect speed the nation’s economic recovery. President Obama said this in State of the Union speech on January 28th, 2014.  According to estimates roughly 200.000 would directly benefit from this wage increase. The executive order would increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour and would apply to service workers in federal building such as the people who do laundry at military and those cleaning the floors at post office. Usually federal contact workers are paid a low minimum wage. The purpose of this wage increase is to show the president as an ardent supporter of struggling Americans.
            Despite statistics showing that the increase in the minimum wages will only increase unemployment, advocate contend that all this talk about increasing unemployment is just scare talk because according to them unemployment was never caused by the minimum wage rates. Small businesses also support the minimum wage increase because they feel that very low wages paid at corporate chains like McDonald’s and Wal-Mart do not give local communities the spending power for sustaining consumer demand said Christine Owens who is the Executive Director of the local employment project. Last week advocates released a national poll of small business owners which found that more than 57% of small businesses support the Obama Administration’s minimum wage increase. The poll was commissioned by the Small Business Majority, which is an advocacy group for small businesses. They strongly believe that an increase in the minimum wage would promote consumer spending and would definitely create greater economic growth.

Comparison Between Conventional And Electric Cars

As compared to electric cars, conventional cars using combustion engines have more moving parts. When gasoline burns, these parts rotate which make the care move forward or backward as is needed. . Compared with this, an electric car does not burn gasoline. Its moving mechanism is powered by batteries. However, an electric car’s batteries are charged by a gasoline powered engine. Electric cars do not need gasoline to run, and their rechargers are powered by batteries. However, proponents of the electric car maintain that electricity is a much cheaper fuel than gasoline and it also causes less pollution. This is true for many reasons which invariably include the use of electric motors. One reason is that many power plants are powered by gas which sells for $ 20.40 per barrel and is less unpredictable, while a barrel of oil costs around $112 per barrel. However, gasoline prices are not the same in all parts of the country so the cost to recharge an electric car could be different in different parts of the country. However, currently if anyone is thinking of buying an electric car, then he/she will not save as much as buying a conventional midsized sedan. Electric cars that run on solar energy will obviously cost more than the traditional car. The major reason is that this technology is quite recent, and there are plenty of glitches to be straightened out before an electric car will be able to compete with a conventional car in many ways. This assessment might is not only important for calculating costs but also for assessing the cost effectiveness of the Federal EV policies which might in the future make the electric car more economical.
 The future might be the overall usage of electric cars, but for now the internal combustion engine dominates. The mass production and the mass usage of the electric car is not so easy as it seems. Facilities are needed to charge the car anywhere which is currently not possible. Another positive feature that the combustion engine has is the capability of filling the tanks in a matter of minutes whereas the electric requires time for charging. Not everyone can afford the time to charge their cars. Until this problem is solved in a  satisfactory manner, the use of the electric car will probably be restricted to a few owners like the people who can afford to buy Ferraris or Porsches. This will take a few years. 

The Effects of Electric Cars

Although governments and the general public feel that the electric car will be of great help in reducing global warming, some scientists are actually questioning such facts: They would like to know:
·         How electric cars and their batters are and will be manufactured in future
·         The production method of electricity which will charge the cars
Research in Norway has found that the possibility exists that in exceptional circumstances, electric cars will have a greater impact on global warming than conventional cars. One of the authors of this report Guillaume Majeau-Bettez, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology has admitted that their research findings do not favor the electric vehicle. He contends that electric cars might have a great future, but eventually its success will lie in how much we can clean up our electricity network for the electricity that is going to be used in the production of the car and the electricity that will be needed for charging its batteries to make it run.
          Tests will be carried by driving the electric car and the conventional car for 150.000km. Scientists will then take into account the energy that is needed to refine and transport oil into petrol and diesel. One result was that the electric car is energy intensive and some electric cars impact the environment considerably more than conventional cars. This is because of the raw materials and energy that is essential for building lithium-ion batteries. However, despite these controversies about how electricity is generated, the car is being in most developed countries. The charging of the batteries is also dependent upon the time of day that the batteries are being charged because the electricity that is generated during the daytime is less dependent on coal. In During 2012 the generation of   electricity from coal actually increased because of the high prices of gasoline. However, coal is more polluting than gasoline and in China since most of the electricity is produced from coal, pollution from electric cars is actually far more polluting than conventional cars. In comparison, in a country like Norway where most of the electricity is produced by hydro power, electric cars performed much better than conventional cars in their environmental impact.

What is The Cause Of Electric Cars?

There are several legible reasons why electric cars should be the cars that most people drive and why everyone should favor the electric car over the traditional gasoline powered car. One reason is those people will and still do enjoy driving electric carts.  Golf cars are all powered by electricity and i the pleasure you see on people’s face when driving around in a golf carts is pretty obvious that they are enjoying the experience. Most people have no knowledge with electric cars that are being driven on the roads, but when the majority becomes aware of the advantages of the electric cars, they will become firm adherents. The electric car can currently be called a rarity because even the media does not promote it in their reports or features. But word of mouth is just as effective, and when word gets around about the availability and advantages of the electric car, most people will willingly abandon their traditional automobiles in favor of the electric car..
            The progressive march of technology such as the increasing use of the laptop, the progress in communication via the cell phone, the increasing demands for the Smartphone and other technological innovations did not happen overnight, but the increasing use of these gadgets has changed people’s perceptions about the electric car. Since the electric car is still in its infancy, people still skeptical over buying and using it, but with the rising cost of gasoline and the way it pollutes the environment will eventually convince these skeptics about the advantages of the electric car. People who can afford very expensive cars like Porsches and Ferraris who need to adopt electric cars to bring down the levels of global warming reduce pollutions or are affected by gasoline price hikes. It is the huge middle class whose main mode of transport is the family car, especially women who can influence the decision as to which car the family needs or will buy. Eventually women will see the advantages of the electric car and will want to buy it as their family and personal car

Introduction To Electric Cars

An ‘Electric Car’ is an automobile that is driven by one or more electric motors. The electrical energy is stored in batteries or some other form of energy storage device. The electric motors create strong and smooth acceleration and give the cars instantaneous torque. Electric cars first appeared in the 1880’s and were quite popular during the late 19th and 20th centuries, until technological progress produced a much better and cheaper to run internal combustion engine and their mass production led to the decline in the electric car. There are certain environmental and economic benefits associated with electric cars. They cause less pollution when compared with the gasoline engine, and there is a discernible reduction in greenhouse emissions. Electric cars are not dependent on imported oil and are not vulnerable to oil supply disruption and fluctuation in prices. Widespread use of electric cars is presently not possible because of several manufacturing and maintenance issues. Besides this electric cars would cost to produce and right now there is no structure in place for battery recharging other than the batteries were being charged at home. Electric cars also have range limitation and drivers will face severe anxiety in case they run out of energy before reaching their destination or are in a position to recharge the batteries. Developed countries have started manufacturing and using electric cars and the best selling and most efficient electric car currently on the market is the “Nissan Leaf” which is now selling in 35 countries 

The Role Of Nurse In Domestic Violence Cases

Some of the initiatives as nurses that can be taken for the betterment and introducing improvement in the condition of such women can include first and foremost, understanding and diagnosing the gravity and the intensity of the situation that a woman has to go through. Even though domestically abused women have a good understanding of their own situation, their main shortcoming is in the form of confidence lacking due to which they are unable to counter violence.
A key initiative that can be taken in this context is to help them attend sessions and engage in discussions through which confidence building measures can be inculcated among such women. Secondly, women who are regular visitors of hospitals with complaints related to domestic violence can be approached by nurses and they can be provided with relevant help and assistance through which they can address the issue of domestic violence in an effective manner (CWG, 2009). In this context providing them with important contact numbers of agencies and organizations that offer assistance to such women will be commendable.
Thirdly, nurses can also communicate with such women of domestic violence and reach to the root cause of the reasons due to which they suffer from such violence. These reasons can either be economic, social or psychological. By reaching upon the root cause of the problem finding the appropriate solution to it either through proper counselling and guidance for both partners can become simpler.
In conclusion it would be appropriate to say that with the rising cases and seriousness of the situation related to domestic violence it is important that nurses in some of the most prominent health care institutes are provided with the proper attention regarding the different domestic violence incidents. Nurses in these places are provided with training and necessary counselling through which they can help victims of domestic violence in an effective manner and can help in building a safe family and environment for these women to live in.

The impact of battering to the individual client, new born and the family

Pregnant women who face domestic violence are subjected and vulnerable to various disorders and problems that may pose a threat to their wellbeing and health status of their child as well. Battered women may suffer from chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, psychosomatic symptoms and eating disorders as well. In addition, a woman who has been a victim of domestic violence is likely to face mental health problems such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and stay in a constant state of depression.
Also, such women lose their ability to speak and communicate confidently in the society and become overwhelmingly dependent on others for their work. Since the health of a child is related to the mother, women who experience domestic violence are highly vulnerable to miscarriages. In many situations women are forced to abort their child because of the injury they got after being domestically abused that developed adverse effects on the mental and physical development of the fetus (Charmaine, 2013).
This also results in the premature birth of children in which the probability of child surviving is almost negligible. Additionally, the social institution of family in such a situation where women are subjected to domestic violence family values and ethics cannot develop properly. Children of such families adopt the same practices and habits of battering their own wives or partners since they perceive violence to be legitimate means of solving a problem. 

Nursing Care And Domestic Violence Assessment

A professional nurse or any other health care professional will be very easily able to understand the patient who has suffered from domestic violence, however, these strategies will only be useful if the woman has been abused physically. In the case of emotional abuse, finding the right symptoms that suggest the occurrence of domestic violence can be difficult.
Therefore, in such a situation there are various measures and assessments that a nurse can employ in order to be sure about his or her observation about the patient whether she has been a victim of domestic violence or not. In the case of physical abuse some prominent assessments that a nurse makes include:
·         Presence of bruises on chest and abdomen
·         Repeated injury patterns
·         Damage to eardrums
·         Minor lacerations
·         Multiple injuries all around the body
·         Dark circles around eyes
In order to assess the situation regarding the ways if the women have been abused emotionally, some of these evaluations are made by nurses.
·         Repeated cases of illness from a stress related disease
·         Presence of drug abuse including alcohol and tranquilisers
·         Chronic complains about headaches and asthma
·         Joint and muscular pains
·         Disorders related to sleeping and eating
·         Suicidal attempts and history of psychiatric help
·         Anxiety, panic attacks and constant depression

Domestic Violence And Pregnancy

In order to get a clear overview and develop a comprehensive approach towards the problem of domestic violence and the ways through which it affects pregnancy or childbirth can be explained in the form of some hard hitting and appalling facts related to the enormity listed below.
·         Between 4 and 9 every women out of 100 are abused in the state of pregnancy either before or after the birth.
·         A study conducted in the US found out that a primary cause behind the suicide of pregnant women is mainly because of the repeated domestic violence that they face.
·         23 percent reported that they have been victims of domestic violence and abuse when they were questioned about. Another 3 percent revealed that they faced domestic violence while they had conceived a baby (Woman Said, 2005).
It is also important to mention and highlight here that the concept related to domestic violence needs to be cleared here from misconceptions. Domestic violence is not just restricted to physical abuse, but contrary to popular notion and perception also has mental impacts and dimensions that need to be considered. The spectrum of domestic violence also incorporates psychological harm of actions through which the other person intends to maintain power and authority such as coercion and intimidation (Stopvaw, 2013).
Some non-physical ways that are integrated and comprise of domestic violence include humiliation, constant criticism, name-calling and attempts of isolating a woman from his family and friends. Practices of emotionally abusing a woman can sometimes leave long lasting and debilitating impacts on the woman and also the child she carries in her womb. An easy way through which a victim of emotional abuse can be pointed out is that she is in a state of constant fear which will be a prominent sign that she has been a victim of domestic violence.

An Introduction To Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is one of the most common social enormities that are found in the world.  It is a personal tragedy as well as a public health problem. Statistics revealed by Centers for Disease Control show that every year more than 300,000 pregnant women experience violence in different forms mainly from their intimate partner .
The report further discloses that one in 6 abused women discloses that they have suffered domestic violence and abuse in the state of pregnancy. The gravity of this enormity can further be understood from the fact that domestic violence is a leading cause of injury among American women between the ages of 15 and 44 which actually comprise 20-25 percent of emergency room visits that are made by American women in hospitals .  
Furthermore, differentiation of women who have been victims of domestic violence and abuse on the basis of population, race, colour and caste is particularly difficult as women from all cultural as well as demographic segments show that they have been abused domestically by their partners, boyfriends or spouse in some form or the other especially when they were pregnant. Many of the cases of domestic violence go unreported as women find themselves difficult to define their position as victims of abuse, and in many cases they try to compromise and adjust with the situation by blaming themselves for it. 

Cost Analysis Of Cloud Computing Services

When considering and analyzing the cost behind the deployment of cloud computing mechanism and infrastructure it is important that the deployment process mainly takes place in three different segments. For instance if the cloud computing model for research is to be considered these three stages include initiation or getting started which is then followed by production and operation costs and finally storage.
 If we were to go into further details, we will very easily be able to breakdown the costs and the expenditures of the costs that are required for the deployment of a proper cloud infrastructure in different environments.
It is also important to state here that the calculations that have been made regarding the costs of cloud computing deployment and usage are hypothetical since there are many additional services and add-ons that are provided by cloud computing services. These include fix and dedicated IP addresses, load balancing, monitoring, scaling of data along with other management packages that are also available along with the ones that are provided to them (Hawtin, 2012). This will further reduce the costs for any company in the deployment of cloud computing service and will help in the enhancement of their functions as well. 

Benefits That Cloud Computing Offers

Some of the key benefits offered by cloud computing have been mentioned and explained as follows:

  • Dynamic scalability: most of the applications that are used may experience spikes in their incoming traffic. Instead of over purchasing your own equipment, many cloud computing services allow the efficient and smooth level through which the spikes can be handled in the most cost-effective and pay-as-you-go model.
  • Another associated benefit related to cloud computing is that of simplified maintenance whereas databases and changes can periodically be upgraded with utmost convenience and simplicity.
  • With the help of cloud computing core developments and services can be utilized and applied in bringing a faster development in the technological infrastructure facilitating a rapid change in the development cycle and processes that are used in the entire process.
  • Last but not the least the entire process of cloud computing from its establishment to its promulgation on an organizational scale which includes network equipment and other miscellaneous costs. Since most of the services are shared it results in the reduction of costs from its installation to its usage. The program and technological venture of cloud computing is of particular importance to mid-sized and mediocre level application and similar category prototypes.
Gartner Quadrant
The Garnet Magic Quadrant or MQ as it is also known as is a series of market research reports that are published by Gartner Inc. through the help and publishing of these reports the firm intends to provide a qualitative and in depth analysis regarding the position of different technology companies which is then updated time to time. Even though the nature and operational procedures and methods that are applied by Gartner have been a subject it is important to state here that the organization has taken special interest to ensure that the innovations and developments that are taking place in the technological domain of cloud computing.
In 2013 Gartner’s Magic Quadrant released their Cloud Infrastructure through the cooperation in terms of web services by Amazon Web Services or AWS (Leong, 2013). With the help of this cloud infrastructure being offered as a service Gartner will enable to develop and structure its quadrant in a manner so that it become more customers centric and oriented.
At the same time, the level of services being offered through computing resources include complemented by enhanced storage capacities as well as network enabling capabilities that were not existent earlier. Also, it is important to mention here that Gartner’s Cloud infrastructure as a service will also help all different vendors using this service with the facility through which they can easily develop researches based on computing, sourcing, designing or architecture of their cloud computing mechanism, best practices to follow and the pace and growth at which regional market is evolving. 

What Is Cloud Computing Database?

Cloud computing is basically a process through which location independent computing is made possible. With the help of this different servers that provide resources and information are consolidated in the form of a cloud with the help of other associated vital devices along with the facility of electricity grid.
 In addition to this the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST also provide a more objective definition of the world cloud in which they say that the world cloud is used in metaphoric sense which can be applied to the facilities and amenities that are provided to customers who are utilizing the facility of the internet as with the help of either of this technology different kinds and natures of network can be linked directly without the presence of any physical barriers.
 Furthermore, typical cloud computing mechanism involves and produces common business applications online that can easily be accessed from different kinds of web browsers while the software and data are stored on servers. Below is a diagrammatic representation of the metaphoric depiction of the way a cloud computing database can come into formation.
 Cloud computing can be termed as the most contemporary form of innovation in the medium of internet based computing. It is important to mention here that it is the technological foundation that has been provided by the internet which has led to the construction of the infrastructure upon which all these developments can be made.
With such facilities and opportunities standing right at their disposal it was not hard to believe that web pages that were once static in nature and on web began to add features that could prove and festoon their web material with the elements of interactivity. Such a kind of revolution was further catalyzed and facilitated by the hosted applications provided by e-mail medium of Hotmail.
The addition of all these features that made their configuration user-friendly led to the development of a new service which came to be known as Software as a service or SaaS when abbreviated.  As the accessibility and availability factors of cloud computing became an intrinsic component of private corporations, all of them spawned to provide their customers with the benefits that are related to the operations of cloud computing.
Another important feature that is worth discussing here is that irrespective of the nature whether the network of the customer is private or public data is always an integral part of it. Hence it is essential to believe that for the effective functioning and operation of cloud computing it is mandatory for it to be compatible with the database that allows the storage and circulation of different kinds of data which is being used (Michael, N/A). 

What Is Cloud Computing Service?

With the advent of the 21st century it has become extremely vital and significant for countries all over the world to realize and adapt themselves with the rampant changes that are taking place in the technological arena. This proves helpful to them in a number of ways.
Firstly, with the inheritance of such changes countries ensure that the contemporary technology that is being used all over the world influxes their mechanism and operation conducting methodologies to bring an improvement in it, and secondly with such changes they can also make sure that they create and pioneer novel employment opportunities for their people who have gained expertise and are proficient in the effective conduction of such technological tools.
We all are completely familiar with the fact that the unprecedented innovations and advancements that have engulfed the technological sphere in modern times have transformed the world into a global village primarily because of the changes that have especially affected the sector of communications. Tools such as internet and electronic mails have completely redefined the method of developing and enhancing communications almost disappearing any spatial and temporal barriers between people who may be located miles away from each other.
With the passage of time as the technology expanded its influence and took the form of a commercially established, profit generating business venture it was witnessed that all major corporations of the world such as Microsoft and Apple jumped into this medium to introduce methods and innovatory products that provide a completely visage to the conventional business techniques that were being followed and this came in the form of a new technology which was introduced by the name of cloud computing (Sannella, 1994).
During the course of this discussion we would be looking at the different aspects of cloud computing and the databases that are related to it. The advantages that organizations today use this technology for and the associated pros and cons of the technology for, in addition to this the future of this technology will also be assessed and analyzed respectively.