Saturday, October 14, 2017

Dua to avoid zina

Is there a Dua in Quran to avoid zina and get protection from it? 
Surah Falaq itself is a dua which covers all the worldly evils that never miss a chance to attack us and rob us of our connection to Allah. The second verse of Surah Falaq "Min sharri ma khalaq" means that "I seek refuge (of Allah) from the mischief/evil of all created things." Zina, too, falls under the category of all created things by Allah and it is there to test our patience, willpower and gratitude. 

Reciting Surah Falaq and Surah Naas and dwelling on their meaning can give us the upper hand over anything that may pull us toward zina. Whenever you encounter a situation where it is hard to avoid zina and you find no protection from it, start reciting these two powerful Surahs (which are actually dua gifted to Prohpet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him by Allah)

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