Thursday, February 23, 2017

Prayer and dua for hair growth

Here is an intense gratitude prayer that will attract the Creator's mercy on you and you will get a hair growth miraculously. For Lord, making your hair grow isn't hard as He is the Creator of everything and He knows how to make things happen.

But He wants one thing from you in return for hair growth (when he gives you).......He just wants gratitude/thankfulness and acknowledgement of His favor....

Start doing gratitude in advance now:

Gratitude in advance will revolve around these questions which you have to dwell on on a regular basis:

1) How much happy and excited you will be for your hair growth when the Creator manifests your desire?
2) How will you be expressing your thanks to Allah for this coming favor (of hair growth)?

How to do it?

1) Imagine Allah/Creator has caused your hair to grow someday. Create the feeling of happiness in your imagination. Feel the excitement.
2) Imagine with your eyes closed that you have been blessed with hair growth and you are expressing intense gratitude to the Creator for this favor. Imagine yourself saying "Thank you Lord for my hair growth" repeatedly.  

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