Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dua/Prayer that made me invest in stocks that saw prices increase

A gratitude-based prayer and dua that can literally make your stock prices move up and increase miraculously. This gratitude prayer/dua is based on a simple yet most powerful gratitude technique "Could-have-been-worse"

What kind of gratitude attract Lord's favors? An intense one only, the one that changes your vibration and feelings quickly! How to create intense feeling of gratitude toward Allah, the Creator of heavens and earth?
"Intense feeling of gratitude on a particular blessing/favor cannot be created without us first making the right assessment of that blessing. The right assessment of that blessing/favor can only be done by imagining a worse possible scenario that could have happened, but didn't happen thanks entirely to our Creator." 

Part A) Gratitude on existing financial blessings and favors done by Allah/Lord.
Part B) Gratitude in advance for the manifestation of your prayer/desire for stock price increase

Could-have-been-worse examples I used to dwell on:

1) Entire stock market could have crashed 

I Spend about two minutes imagining what would have happened to your financial desires and goals if the entire stock market had collapsed due to any reason (political, financial etc). Would you have any control over your stock trading strategy then? Imagine that scenario and quickly shift your focus back to the reality. Can you feel intense gratitude for this great blessing from the Creator that financial market is functioning? 

2) What would happen if I went broke? Would I be able to think of even investing in stocks, let alone hoping for a price increase ?

I spend about five minutes imagining a scene where I have no money at all to buy even basic needs like food. I imagine myself being rejected by my relatives close relatives because I have no financial support. I then quickly shift my mind back to reality where none of  

Part B 
Having spent about 15 to 20 minutes on gratitude for existing blessings that came in the form of financial help from Allah........

I would then move on to Part-B of my prayer/dua, that is, gratitude-in-advance to Allah for stock price increase 

"Just dwell on the question: How much grateful I will be to Allah if He gives me stocks that are profitable

Spend about five minutes imagining how much happy excited you will be for Allah/Lord for making your stock increase happen?

Please practice this gratitude prayer for stock market and let me know how well you did. Good luck and thank you for reading the post. 

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