Monday, April 6, 2015

Nursing Care And Domestic Violence Assessment

A professional nurse or any other health care professional will be very easily able to understand the patient who has suffered from domestic violence, however, these strategies will only be useful if the woman has been abused physically. In the case of emotional abuse, finding the right symptoms that suggest the occurrence of domestic violence can be difficult.
Therefore, in such a situation there are various measures and assessments that a nurse can employ in order to be sure about his or her observation about the patient whether she has been a victim of domestic violence or not. In the case of physical abuse some prominent assessments that a nurse makes include:
·         Presence of bruises on chest and abdomen
·         Repeated injury patterns
·         Damage to eardrums
·         Minor lacerations
·         Multiple injuries all around the body
·         Dark circles around eyes
In order to assess the situation regarding the ways if the women have been abused emotionally, some of these evaluations are made by nurses.
·         Repeated cases of illness from a stress related disease
·         Presence of drug abuse including alcohol and tranquilisers
·         Chronic complains about headaches and asthma
·         Joint and muscular pains
·         Disorders related to sleeping and eating
·         Suicidal attempts and history of psychiatric help
·         Anxiety, panic attacks and constant depression

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