Saturday, October 17, 2020

Prayer to remove fear from heart and mind

Lord, my heart is filled with unknown fears. I need You, for Your shelter is where I will find peace. I may not be strong enough to remove fears from my heart but You definitely are bigger than everything. You overpower everything. Nothing can scare You or subdue You. Thank You for enabling me to appreciate Your powers, mercy and might.

Prayer to remove fear from heart and mind

I am also sorry that My fears are the result of my own lack, insecurities and incapability, but You love to help those Who come to You for help. So I trust You and Your generosity. I don’t know how to eliminate these fears, but Your knowledge encompasses all of my fears and You know how to overcome them.

Lord, I want to deal with every single situation with a powerful heart and mind that is God-fearing, and that does not fear any created thing. Lord.

Lord, I would like to thank You for allowing me to come to You for help. For if it hadn’t been for Your mercy and will, I would not have come to You. Thank You in advance for accepting my prayer to overcome fears.


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