Monday, February 15, 2016

Dua For Deen And Dunya

World and Hereafter aka in Urdu (Dunya o Akhirat) go hand in hand and we cannot separate either of two while being a practicing and pious Muslim. It is mandatory for Muslims to seek the benefits of this world and more importantly of the Akhira (hereafter). There have been some misconceptions among the religious segment of the society that Duniya should be ignored at the expense of Akhirah. Of course, the world hereafter is way better than this temporary life as Allah says in Quran but complete abstinence from the worldly matters and leading a lifestyle like a dervish is not the concept of Islam. Allah makes convenience for Muslims in this world and the hereafter. It is necessary to be a valuable Muslim in this world to preach Deen.
Dua For Deen and Dunya

Dua for Deen and Dunya
It is an authentic dua form Sahi Muslim (authentic Hadith book). Islam does not call for absolute abstinence from this world as Christian deduced from the teachings of Hazrat Essa (AS). It calls for right balance between the two worlds. A good Muslim is supposed to live a fulfilling life in accordance with Quran and Sunnah and there is nothing greedy or unacceptable for asking Allah to improve our life and Deen at the same time. 

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