Monday, February 22, 2016

Benefits of reciting Surah Yasin

There are multiple benefits of reciting Surah Yasin and you can be sure that if you make it part of your daily recitation your life will be surprised with abundance and blessings. I routinely recite it, not on a daily basis but trust me when I used to do that I was far happier. Surah Yasin is classified as The Heart of Quran, which explains its importance and position among other Surahs.
Every surah of Quran has benefits as they are word of Allah but they have different context and attributes that should be recited according to their context. The benefits mentioned below were shared to us by a visitor as he said he was surprised with what Allah gave him after making this Surah part of his life.
Benefits of reciting Surah Yasin English Urdu

If you want to share benefits of other surahs, you can contact us. We will share them here on the blog for everyone to get benefits from them. The biggest benefit that you will get by reciting this Surah is that Allah will be pleased with you. If Allah is pleased with you, there is nothing in the world that can harm you or take your blessings away from you. There are a number of Ahadiths regarding the benefits of Surah Yasin and some of them are mentioned here. 

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