Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dua to avoid calamity

Dua to avoid calamity: Here is a very powerful dua to give you protection from calamities and natural disasters. This dua has been mentioned in Hadith and is recommended to recite in the morning and evening times. However, whenever you are faced with a situation that is frightening and beyond your control, you can recite it. 

Transliteration: Bismillahil Lazi La Yadurru Ma-asmihi Shai-un Fil Ardi Wala Fis-Sama-e Wahuwas-Samee-ul-Aleem

English Translation: "In the name of Allah, whose name is mentioned nothing on Earth or in Heaven can cause harm , and He is The All-Seeing, The All-Knowing."

In order to make the most of this beautiful dua, you must believe that Allah has power over all things, and calamities, natural disasters like earth quake or any other life-threatening event is also the creation of Allah. Nothing is beyond Allah so the protection also comes through Allah. 

Dwell on the meaning of this dua and imagine yourself being protected by Allah when you recite it. 

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