Thursday, September 29, 2016

Surah Fatiha Wazifa for Marriage

Surah Fatiha Wazifa for Marriage: If you want to marry and are tired of trying different wazaif and duas, but nothing is happening, you need to start this wazifa now. When you do this wazifa, please open this post daily or regularly and keep all the steps in mind. Memorize all the steps and the final points. Inshahallah your marriage is near !! 
Surah Fatiha Wazifa for marriage

Do this wazifa right after Fajr prayer. If not possible in Fajr, you can do it after Isha Salah.

1) Recite Durood e Ibrahimi three times
2) Recite Surah Fatiha 40 times
3) Recite Durood e Ibrahimi three times again

Continue this wazifa for 41 days.

Very important !

This Surah-Fatiha-wazifa-for-marriage will work One Hundred Percent If:

*) You have 100% faith that Allah is able to do anything and He can make your marriage possible.
*) You are constantly imagining the moments when Allah will finally make your marriage happen. You are imagining the day of your marriage. You are constantly imagining days of happy married life coming ahead. And You are feeling the emotions of joy and excitement and thanking Allah in advance for imagining the scenes of your marriage.
*) You are not having doubts, worry and fear whether this wazifa/dua to Allah will be fulfilled or not. Get all the doubts and worry out of your mind.
*) You are doing the wazifa regularly and according to the steps mentioned. 
*) You are being patient that your marriage is on the way and Allah loves those who are patient.
*) You are praying fives times a day
*) You are trying your best to avoid big and small sins

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