Assalam-0-Alikum Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Hope you all are in good health and living your lives in accordance with the basic tenets of Islam. I am going to share another invaluable and very effective dua to combat depression, stress, and worries of this world. Stress and worries are a common disease among the people of today's world and the ailment is remarkably growing among the Muslim population. It is time to check where our connection with Allah(SWT) and basic teachings of Islam stand. The further we are away from Allah's way and His remembrance, the more we are vulnerable to stress, worries,, and distress. The negativity automatically creeps in when we are too pre-occupied with the luxuries. engagements, and sins. The case of people in the West is even worse with people looking for different ways to cure stress, depression and worries. Reciting this dua constantly will InshAllah cure and solve all our problems.
Dua for stress, distress, sadness, and worries |
Dua to combat stress, distress and worries of life
Transliteration: allaahumaa innee abduk(a) wa-bnu abdika (a), naaSiyatee bi-yadik (a), maaDin fiyya hukmuk (a), adlun fiyya qaDaa-uk, sammayta bihi nafsak (a), aw allamtahu ahadam-min khalaqik(a), aw anzaltahu fee kitaabik (a), aw-ista'thart(a), aw anzaltahu fee kitaabik (a), aw-ista'thart(a) bihi fee ilmil-ghaybi indak (a), an taj al-alquraana rabeena qalbee, wa nuura SaDree, wa-jilaa'a huznee, wa d ahaaba hammee.
English Translation: "O Allah, I am Your slave, the son of Your slave. My forehead is in Your Hand. Your judgement of me is inescapable. Your trial of me is just. I am invoking You by all the names You call Yourself, that you have taught to anyone in Your creation, that You have mentioned in your Book, or that You have kept unknown. Let the Quran be delight of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness and the passifier of my worries."
For this Dua to work, you must purely live your life in conjunction with the principles of Islam and hold firm to the rope of Allah and His Beloved Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (Saw).
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