Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Implications Of Obamacare For Disadvantaged Segments

The poorest have much at stake in the Obama era. Not only have they received lack of specific public action but they are excluded from most social programs in place. In fact, they rather aim lower than the poorest middle classes: the reform of health benefits to intermediate classes between the poor, who are covered by Medicaid, and the middle class who can afford private insurance and the program of fight against foreclosure excludes insolvent or unemployed.
A significant portion of the poor is socially alienated and disconnected from the labor market. Thus, they cannot benefit from such assistance. As for unemployment benefits (extended to 99 weeks in the affected states), they certainly prevented families to know distress but have little impact on the lives of the working poor and have not helped people away for a long time the world of work. These constitute the underclass, covered by Obama's rhetoric, but sacrificed at the altar of other political and economic priorities. (John, 2013)
The same goes for the poor segment in Missouri. The Obamacare makes it quite difficult under-privileged people to qualify for the medical assistance. Though the insurance exchange should ideally cut down costs for people without job-sponsored coverage but estimated 226,525 other uninsured Missourians will miss out on it.
The children with special needs also seem to bear the brunt of Medicare. With taxes raised on the families with special children, the claim that Medicaid saves you money becomes invalid. What makes the Act less affordable is the provision that places a cap on FSA (Flexible Spending Accounts).
Additionally, Obamacare will further impose extra burden on taxpayers considering the amount that individuals can claim as itemized deductions for medical expenses.  Previously, individuals could claim medical expenses with having 7.5% of adjusted gross income but now that threshold has risen to 10% which certainly adds to the problems of the public. (William, 2013)
At the outset, Obamacare seems to have benefited the people with the mental health diseases. According to an estimate, at least 32.1 million Americans will have an access to the first-class mental health services once the Affordable Act Care is fully implemented. 

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