Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Karachi computer hacker who knew when the price was right

A Karachi-based hacker who moved from a rags to riches on the back of a multi-million dollar company raking in  hefty revenues each month. Hired a by a government firm to stave off malicious hacker attack, the boy then finds a new avenue that helps him make money.
Bol TV makes a good case for sudden departure of business empires (we are not here to talk about how legal or illegal a business is).

Spending more than what you are actually earning and bolstering a new venture on the back of an already-earning company sometimes backfire and we have seen how Axact operations came to a halt.

Malik Riaz, his business money and journalists

Malik Riaz came under fire last night and he was asked a range of questions regarding his role in Pakistani politics. Salim Safi, a renowned analyst associated with Geo News,  caught up with the man whose money and wealth is often discussed, of course in a way that Malik Riaz is often opposed to. Check out what News Tribe has come up with.
Salim Safi grilled Malik Riaz like never before as he posed some probing questions about how come he gets some news channels owners to fire unwanted journalists, or those who speak against him. Instead of answering, Malik came up with a counter attack asking Salim Saif if he ever was offered money by him.