Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dua-wazifa for job promotion

Job promotion becomes very important when an employee sees his expenses climb and inflation makes it hard to pay for basic necessecities. This wazifa is powerful and can turn your low-income job into an avenue full of money and that too with barakah, which is something money alone can't do. 

*Do this wazifa after Fajr and Asr and two times a day
*Sit in a quite place so your focus should be entirely on Allah
* Continue this dua/wazifa for 21 days without any break

Step 1 # Recite "Astaghfirullah" 1000 times 

How to recite: Doing astaghfar for your job issue is very important as we don't know what may have been causing blockage in our job promotion. We might have cursed money and blessings in the past and now we are stuck. We might have shown laziness during our early days and now when expenses and inflation is troubling us, we are confused. We might have wasted time, which is a mistake. The point is, there could be many mistakes and negligence. So, accepting and admitting our mistakes/errors is the  first step. Make a list of your weaknesses, mistakes and acts of laziness and keep this list with you while reciting Astaghfar. 

Step 2 : Recite "Alhamdulillah" 1000 times

How to recite: When you recite Alhamdulillah, don't just recite empty words. You have thank Allah for your job. Thank Allah for the money He has given you so far. Thank Allah for all the luxuries and comfort you have gained due to this job and all your past jobs. Thank Allah for your employers (no matter how rude or strict they are). Thank Allah for causing you to do astaghfar because without it you would not be able to review yourself and your performance. 

In Quran Allah has said: If you are grateful, I will surely increase you" (Surah Ibrahim 14:7)

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