Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Positive Outcomes of Missourians from Obamacare

An important question that has always been of interest for people of US has been the benefits that the people of Missouri can avail if they would have decided to go with the options and features of Medicaid as per the conditions specified by Obamacare. According to a research paper that was published by the White House it was stated that with the state of Missouri and the people of the state ready to implement and promulgate Obamacare over 961,000 of the people enrolling in the program would have been able to qualify the eligibility criteria for the treatment of different preventative measures such as colorectal cancer screenings, mammograms, and an annual wellness visit without copayments, coinsurance, or deductibles (White House, 2012, page 1)
In addition to this up to $81.3 million were provided to the government to ensure that uninsured citizens of the state are provided with all adequate medicaid facilities through which they can be provided treatment in the state of the art medical centers and at the same time reduce the number of people uninsured in the state. All of this was being completely funded by the Federal Government. Also, 94,300 small businesses in Missouri were eligible to qualify for the insurance that was provided under the banner of Obamacare creating conveniences for employers as well as employees (White House, 2012 page 1)
 It can be said that Missouri is one such fortunate state to have an opportunity to deal with the complications of Obamacare ever more seriously and effectively. The state had a tough call with Obamacare requiring Missouri to expand or face the loss of all state-funds until the Supreme Court ruled expansions as optional.
The expansion would not have served the interests of Missouri State well. It is high time that the lawmakers took up the downsides of Obamacare and came up with suggestions to provide an alternate plan action that encompasses and addresses the healthcare needs of socially and economically disadvantaged segment of Missouri and America on the whole.
The need for the correct utilization of public funds cannot be stressed less. It should well be kept in mind that public money is neither infinite nor free-flowing. Indebting the future generations is not a plausible idea. The policymakers should call for shrewd use of money.
The current propositions of Obamacare are not without its pitfalls hence the reform is inevitable and should be taken on priority basis.

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